Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Outlandish Ventures Pty Ltd, trading as the Australian Landscape Conference reserves the right to:

  • Amend the program including changing time and speakers for the conference. Every effort will be made to maximise delegate experiences.
  • Vary the quoted prices in accordance with any change to the legislated rate of the GST (currently 10%), which is applicable to all goods and services offered by the
    All prices quoted in this document are inclusive of GST.

Delegates must always wear their name badge during the Conference.


Cancellation of a Registration

All cancellations must be advised in writing/email to the Australian Landscape Conference.
Please note that in the case of cancellation, a refund of 50% of the Conference Registration will be provided for cancellations made prior to 10 December 2025. After that date, no refunds or credit notes are available.


Cancellation of a Tour

A refund of 50% of the cost of the garden tour or workshop is available for cancellations make prior to the 10 December, 2025. After that time no refunds or credit notes are available unless the ticket can be purchased by another participant. The exchange of tickets for workshops is managed by Outlandish Ventures Pty Ltd.

Refunds will be returned by the same payment method as the original receipt of funds.

No refunds will be made after 10 December 2024.


Cancellation of Workshop

A 50% refund is available for cancellations made prior to the 10 January 2025. After that date, no refunds or credit notes are available unless the ticket can be purchased by another participant. The exchange of tickets for workshops is managed by Placing Nature Pty Ltd.


Transfer of Registrations

Registrations may be transferred to another person free of charge by 10 March 2025. 


Conference Cancellation or Postponement

Placing Nature Pty Ltd may cancel or postpone the Conference due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, such as those considered as forced majeure including but not limited to Acts of God, terrorism, war, strikes or industrial action, fire, explosion, inevitable accident, breakdown of property, changes in law, pandemics or global health crises.  Due to the nature of the event, it may be reasonable to postpone the event to a later year and/or to change the location of the Conference.

In the event the Conference is not able to proceed as planned, and is moved to a virtual format, your registration will be transferred to a virtual registration. If you choose not to attend the virtual Conference, Placing Nature Pty Ltd will not be required to refund any part of the Conference registration fee. It may do so at its discretion.

In the event of postponement of the Conference if, when requested, you advise that you are willing to attend the rescheduled  ALC25, the organiser will transfer the registration and guarantee the same conditions and equivalent registration entitlements (subject to reasonable modification and availability) at the rescheduled event.  If, at a later date, you then choose not to attend the rescheduled Conference, the ALC, will not be required to refund any part of the Conference registration fee.

In the event of a full cancellation of the Conference, you will be entitled to a 75% refund of the amount of the Conference registration fee received.

The maximum liability of Placing Nature Pty Ltd under these Terms and Conditions is limited to a refund of the Conference registration fee and garden tour and planting masterclass (if reserved) with no additional liability for travel costs, hotel costs, or any other associated costs.


Health and Safety  

All Conference participants will be required to comply with the relevant Health and Safety Guidelines and protocols in place with the venues to ensure the Conference is aligned and compliant with all relevant Commonwealth and state government health advice at that time. 


Delegate Cancellation – Medical

The health and safety of attendees is our highest priority. The ALC25 is mindful of the health risks associated with group gathering and the importance of following official medical advice with respect to social distancing, practicing good hygiene and staying at home when unwell.

The ALC25 requests any delegate who is feeling unwell or has cold or flu like symptoms, or who may have been in contact with someone with COVID-19, not attend the Conference. If, on medical grounds, you are unable to attend the Conference, you must cancel your in-person attendance in writing by email to:  info@landscapeconference.com. A partial refund may be provided at the discretion of the ALC Organising Committee. You may be asked to provide a medical certificate.



Participants are strongly advised to secure appropriate travel and health insurance. Delegate registration fees do not provide any such insurance coverage. The ALC accepts no responsibility for any loss in this regard.



All Conference registration fees are quoted in Australian Dollars. GST at 10% is included.



By registering, participants acknowledge and consent that during their attendance at the ACL their image or voice may be recorded via video, photograph or by any other means (“recorded”) by an officer or official of the ALC which may be distributed or published at the discretion of the ALC.  If you do not wish to be recorded, you are required to formally advise the ALC by 1 March by emailing info@landscapeconference.com.


Privacy Policy

If you interact with Placing Nature Pty Ltd as a client/participant, personal information about you will be held for the primary purpose of supplying you with information related to membership, conferences and events. We gather and process your personal information in accordance with our privacy statement, in compliance with the Australian Privacy Act and European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We comply with these legislations and are committed to protecting the right of the individual to the privacy of their information. By registering for this event Placing Nature Pty Ltd reserves the right to provide your contact details to Authorities for the purposes of contact tracing and any relevant Government requirements. Click here for further information on the privacy statement.

The Australian Landscape Conference, trading as Placing Nature Pty Ltd reserves the right to:

  • Amend the program including changing time and speakers for the conference. Every effort will be made to maximise delegate experiences
  • vary the quoted prices in accordance with any change to the legislated rate of the GST (currently 10%), which is applicable to all goods and services offered by the conference. All prices quoted in this document are inclusive of GST.



Forced Majeure Event includes any:

(a) lightning strike, earthquake, natural disaster, landslide, bushfire, mudslide or tsunami

(b) sabotage, vandalism, malicious damage, riot or ‘terrorist act’ as defined in the Terrorism Insurance Act 2003 (Cth)

(c) explosion, flood or fire

(d) war (declared or undeclared), civil war, insurrection, invasion, rebellion, revolution, military action or usurped power, martial law, radioactive contamination, nuclear war, chemical or biological contamination.

(e) pandemic, epidemic or public health emergency resulting in governmental action including work stoppages, mandatory business, service or workplace closures, full or partial lockdowns of affected areas, quarantines, border closures and travel restrictions, and any other event that is beyond the reasonable control of a party, was not caused by an act or omission of the party, and could not have been prevented, avoided, mitigated or overcome by the party taking steps a prudent and reasonable person would have taken in the circumstances.

Loss means damage, liability (whether actual, contingent or prospective) action, loss, charge, cost or expense.

Registration Fee means the fee for the Registration as set out in the registration form.

Delegate means a person who is registered to attend the conference.