Dr Alison Pouliot

Mycologist & Author — Australia

Alison Pouliot is an acclaimed scientist, author and dynamic presenter who will introduce us to the ‘third F – Fungi’. That’s the ‘F’ that should be after Flora and Fauna is Fungi. After hearing from Alison, it maybe should be the first ‘F’.

The roots of almost every plant in the Australian landscape are intimately entwined with fungi.  These clandestine relationships extend beyond the trees to include every orchid and most shrubs and grasses. Symbioses are the secret to success in our highly variable climate and nutrient deficient soils.’

Alison has spent years exploring the subterrain around the world, particularly Australia. ‘Fungi not only help plants access water and nutrients, but also increase their resistance to drought and disease. They build architecture in soils, aerate them, and allow water to gently percolate to deeper horizons.’  There’re things to learn for all of us.

Want to hear more? Dr Alison Pouliot is presenting at the Australian Landscape Conference 2025.